How To Cure Some Of Your Unfulfillment And Relax A Bit

Abdelilah Azzouzi
2 min readMar 4, 2022
A landscape photo of a skyscraper builder tool and some other tall buildings in the background.
photo by The Blowup on Unsplash

If you ever feel dissatisfactory emotions towards yourself, or to speak about other things like the surging crises of the world, you’ve gone to develop unhealthy thoughts that are not to your best benefit.

Provided, you know you have to do some work in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle -yet again.

Correcting unfulfillment and dissatisfaction is very simple, only if you let go of the need to look perfect all the time.

* Meditation: 10 minutes a day, performed in any way

If you wish to use dhikr as a daily tool to meditate, do it.

If you want to use guided meditation recordings, free or paid, do it.

If you want to sit and relax -not guided by any recording- then do it.

Add to it: The practice of Wudu, ablution.

* Practice writing evening and morning

Evening writing like bulletin points, blue ink, and a cup of hot tea is what will get your juices flowing.

Sit with an intention to clear your mind and find ways to improve and improve shortcuts to feel success (take 10 minutes, or 30 minutes.. etc).

This practice is very easy

Grab a piece of paper (white, preferably)

Ink-pen: Blue, purple, and green all are wonderful shades (Purple: Purple Means Wisdom, Bravery, and Spirituality…

  • Get busy writing, start putting answers to questions like 1 what have done right today? 2) What wrong have I done this day? 3)If today was a new day, how would I go about living it again?
  • Go ahead, try it for the next week, or month then see if it truly resonates. It will please you 100% (not sure if it’s the ultimate cure, but you can get other medical or professional help).

Managing your stressors

Gut, money, and material possessions can be on your side, or the opposite not aware how the words come around together).

But, a healthy good, a filled wallet, and a relaxing home could be a cozy place for creativity, spiritual healing, and rapid success.

Never underestimate the following: Reading

Reading is powerful, it’s been known throughout years or centuries that it affects every aspect of one’s life.

When you read books that are providing real — stories of people you like to hang out with (or connect with, though they’re deceased.), they empower you.

It’s a powerful tool for growth and for purposeful relaxation.

Manage yourself

Eat right, aim for greeny foods and beware of what you eat.

Don’t take it too hard: 3 meals/day, more if you want to…, etc.

And lastly, to read on tapping, EFT.

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